Submissions Continue
by Mario J. Novoa
February 24, 2015

Baby Cries was to develop a website and a social media presence so that we could build a community online. Our audience has always been LGBT parents who feel close to stories about same-sex families. It has been my goal to reach out to online communities that feel strongly about the subject of LGBT families and how they are affected by the traditional family structure.
Because we've had limited funds (and if you would like to donate, please click on the PayPal link), we wanted to promote the film using freemium sites, just like Google Blogger. We've have also implemented an awareness campaign to promote The Baby Cries to film festivals. As we continue to submit, we will include the names of the festivals we've submitted to, to promote the festival campaign. If you are associated with any film festival programs, please pass the word along that The Baby Cries has been submitted.
We are utilizing all social media marketing sites to help boost the film's presence. Please follow and promote us to your fiends.
Thank you!
The Baby Cries:
Film Bliss Studios: